CTN animation eXpo
The Burbank Marriott Convention Center | Burbank, California
Friday, November 16 to Sunday, November 18, 2012
The Animation Mentor crew doesn’t hold back in anything we do. We’ll always be there to help you, celebrate with you, and share the entire Animation Mentor experience with you. But above all, we will always be honest with you … and prep you for many of the difficult challenges that await in your animation journey. No one believes in this honesty more than our CEO and cofounder Bobby Beck. That’s why Bobby is leading the takeover at the CTN animation eXpo (CTN-X) with two amazingly honest workshops:
Demo Reel Review: Live, On Stage, and Uncut
Friday, November 16 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Bobby joins friends Robin Linn (Reel FX Creative Studios, Artist Manager/Recruiting & Academic Relations) and Marlon Nowe (Walt Disney Animation Studios, Animator) for this live and uncut workshop. Bottom line: Every animation student wants to take that leap … to submit his or her work for the world to see … and to receive honest/raw/high-quality feedback. Ah, but who wants to be the first? Who wants to take that selfless leap of faith for the betterment of everyone? If you submitted your demo reel to CTN-X, you may be selected to join this distinguished panel on stage to receive an uncut critique … and your fellow animators will love you for this glimpse inside the interview and studio experience.
Living in a Studio World: The Survivor’s Guide
Saturday, November 17 | 5:30 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.
You went to animation school where people got along, everyone loved your work, and things just worked. Now you’re in a studio where people still get along, you’re still loved … but you feel under valued and things aren’t working for you. In this Survivor’s Guide, you’ll learn how to best navigate the inner workings of studio life — with a focus on finding the right amount of ego and self-promotion necessary to succeed. You’ll also learn how to manage the ebb and flow across shows and how the animation casting system works. This is true on-the-job stuff designed to help you catch the break, make your work stand out … and stay inspired.
We told you we don’t hold back … and you deserve this.
So make plans to join the Animation Mentor crew for these workshops and much more at CTN-X. We can’t wait to see you in Burbank.
— The Animation Mentor Crew
Animation Mentor is proud to partner with Autodesk, Inc. to deliver industry-leading programs, workshops, and educational events … including CTN-X.