Animation Mentor is getting ready to hit the road. Check it out:
CTN animation eXpo
The Burbank Marriott Convention Center | Burbank, California
Friday, November 16 to Sunday, November 18, 2012
Mentors, crew, and everything else we can fit on a plane are making their way to Burbank. We are taking over CTN-X with our action-packed schedule that’s designed to teach you what you need to stand out. CEO and cofounder Bobby Beck leads workshops on demo reels and studio life … and our mentors are on hand to meet you and share a bit about their experiences and love of animation.
Our admissions advisors can’t wait to chat with you and answer your questions about our programs and workshops. For example, they can go over the details of our new Lighting Your Shot workshop. They’re also excited to explain how Advanced Placement Into the Character Animation Program can benefit those of you with serious 3D animation knowledge.
And did we mention the party with our friends at Reel FX Creative Studios?
We told you it was action packed. See you in Burbank.
— The Animation Mentor Crew
Animation Mentor is proud to partner with Autodesk Inc. to deliver industry-leading programs, workshops, and educational events … including CTN-X.