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  3. How To Animate A Short Film Sequence

How To Animate A Short Film Sequence

by | Aug 22, 2013

Creating a short film on your own is no easy task. At Animation Mentor, our Character Animation Production Track enables you to go through the entire short film process, learn the production pipeline, and create a short film alongside other animators and a mentor. This production track not only teaches you the skills to work with a real production pipeline (the AMP pipeline) but you come out of class with a short film.

To begin working on a production of your work, apply today. If you are an Animation Mentor alumni, no need to apply, register directly into Character Animation and Storytelling Development to begin.

– The Animation Mentor Crew


STEP 1: Introduction to Character Animation & Storytelling

Polish Your Acting Animation Skills & Get Feedback from Your Mentor:

Pitch Your Short Film:

STEP 2: Character Animation and Storytelling Development

Generate Character Tests and Props:

character sheet

how to animate short film

Plan The Story in Pre-Visualization:

Get Input On Your Rough Blocking and Layout:

STEP 3: Character Animation Production

Animate The Short Film Sequence:

NOTE: The above short film was completed by Mike Stern, an alumni who is now a mentor. To see the completed “Little Sister” short film, stay tuned into the blog as we will release the short film here.

If you are ready to start animating, apply today.

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