Animation Electives

Continue Your Animation Education

What’s the best way to improve your animation skills?

The only way to improve your animation skills is to continue learning. Most animators are enthusiastic learners that understand the value in polishing and expanding their skill sets. It’s this focus on improvement that sets great animators apart from their less energetic counterparts.

Keep your skills sharp by taking one of Animation Mentor’s supplemental animation workshops. We teach cartoony animation in the exaggerated style of Looney Tunes, as well as previsualization (“previs”) for animators who want to help directors take projects from script to screen.

Cartoony Animation for 3D Animators

6-Week Workshop

LIVE Q&As | 6 Weekly 1-hour Q&As

START DATE | Week of August 5, 2024

PRICE | $899 USD

Push Your Animation Like the Pros

Grow your skills with the help of an industry veteran and learn to create animation in the style of classic cartoons like Looney Tunes. Study the masters and then take your animation from 2D planning to polished 3D fun! Register now.

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Previsualization Basics for Animators

6-Week Workshop

LIVE Q&As | 6 Weekly 1-hour Q&As

START DATE | Week of September 23, 2024

PRICE | $899 USD

Bring the Director's Vision to Life

Intermediate Animators, add to your animation skill set by learning the basics of previs animation. Previs animators help directors realize their vision, bringing the script to life on screen before principle filming starts. Learn previs and fill a studio's need for this highly sought-after position in TV and film. Register now for this workshop.

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Add to Your Animation Portfolio

If you’re new to animation, we recommend the following learning path before jumping into these electives.

– Start Here –


12-Week Course

Begin your character animation journey and master the basics.

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12-Week Course

Learn to animate realistic bipedal movement.

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Advanced Body

12-Week Course

Create exciting and dynamic action sequences.

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– Continue Here –

Cartoony Animation
for 3D Animators

6-Week Workshop

Plus your animation by pushing your characters to their limits.

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Previs Basics
for Animators

6-Week Workshop

Quickly animate, layout, and stage shots for production.

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